Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Carry of the Month: May; Shepherd's Carry

Carry of the Month is a new feature for the BWIP blog and Facebook group. Each month one of the VBEs will choose a wrap carry or carrier to showcase and write a blog post with instructions or videos. At our monthly meetings throughout the valley, we will designate time to demonstrate the carry or carrier in person and answer your questions.  Feel free to join in on the fun! Post pictures of you trying out the COTM in the comments here or on the Facebook group. 

For the month of May we are demoing a back carry called Shepherd's Carry. It can be done with a size 3 or 4 woven wrap depending on your size. We picked this carry because it gives you a taste of "ruckless" straps. So instead of the wrap going over and under your shoulders like backpack straps the pressure point is at your chest. It can be a great carry for wearers that have picky shoulders. It's also a slightly shorter carry than of last back COTM which was Double Hammock. Participation in this month's COTM challenge enters you into a drawing for a beautiful handmade teething necklace.

This month's carry is being modeled by our VBE Dara and her son Eli, using a Meeyoo handwoven wrap called Pog Pog. 

Dara starts by finding the middle marker of the wrap placing it on the center of her back and measuring how far needs to be off-centered to have the tails even when this carry is tied off.

Place the spot that was at your belly on the back of your baby. It's usually about a foot off-center from the middle marker. Then put baby up on your back in your preferred way. The Superman Toss is shown here:

Secure the top rails by tucking them under your chin or biting them with your teeth:

Reach back and pull the bottom rail up and under both of baby's leg to form a nice deep seat. There are no "under leg" passes in this carry so it is very important to get a deep seat.:

Tighten the rails one side at a time:

Now, take the longer side of the wrap off your shoulder and forward around your chest. Pass the wrap over the side that is still over you shoulder by either keeping that end tucked between your knees or pressed firmly to your chest with a shorter wrap:

Continue to wrap that end over your and baby's back and up over your shoulder. Tighten this pass very snugly because most of the weight is supported by this pass:

Tighten and tuck the bottom rail of that pass under baby's seat and legs:

Tighten and pull out the slack over your shoulder:

Pull the end that is under the chest pass up:

Tie the two ends together:

Spread the passes over your shoulder so that they cup them comfortably and spread the sides of the chest pass down, if need be:


Here's a great video by BabywearingFaith to watch if you learn more effectively with videos:

This month's prize for participation is beautiful handmade teething necklace from Xavier Rose Jewelry. Our VBE Rhiannon is the WAHM behind Xavier Rose and she generously donated this piece to give away this month. Check out her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/XavierRoseJewelry 

To enter, simply post a photo of you trying out Semi-FWCC in the comments below or on the COTM thread in our facebook group. At the end of the month we'll draw a winner. (Valid only for Arizona residents; winner is responsible for shipping costs/pick-up)

As always, let us know if you are having problems or just have questions. Carry on! 

Rachael Bender
Volunteer Babywearing Educator, Babywearing International of Phoenix

Disclaimer:Any tutorials or advice given on this blog by Babywearing International of Phoenix or representatives of BWI of Phoenix are to be used at your own risk. Please use caution when attempting any of the carries highlighted on this blog and using any of the carriers discussed on this blog.
Some of the information or advice may put some users of this site at risk due to health issues, physical limitations, or misuse. If you or your child have health issues or physical limitations, please discuss the appropriateness of the carry or carrier with your health care practitioner.BWI of Phoenix cannot be held accountable for any injuries sustained by the reader when attempting these carries or using these carriers.

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