Wednesday, October 10, 2012

GUEST POST: TaiLeah Madill is Carrying On Tradtions in her family

I came to babywearing as naturally as one can; by being a child who was worn. I was blessed to have grown up in a family that challenged the current parenting styles. My mom saw the benefit to wearing her babies and my dad jumped right on board. She was the trailblazer, not just in her family, by in my dad’s family as well. Growing up, my dad’s brothers and their wives joined in and we were a home birthing, cloth diapering, babywearing, extended breastfeeding tribe. This is what I grew up watching and seeing as normal. Not only did I have my parents to watch and learn from, but all around me at birthdays, parties, holidays, and really any family occasion I saw my sisters and cousins being carried and worn and parented in such a way that I never really thought it was a different way to do things. Family friends even joined in on the carrying on occasion. 

As I grew up and thought about having kids and parenting, my parents, aunts, and uncles set the foundation for wanting to keep my own babies close. I researched long before getting married, long before having kids, those things that were most appealing. I perused the older copies of Mothering that my mom had gotten when I was born. Smiling, happy babies just have that kind of draw for a young adult who knows that she wants to have a family of her own some day.  You just want to snuggle up to such love and affection pouring from those photos. I bought Over the Shoulder Baby Holder slings for my friends who were pregnant, introducing them to babywearing as a tool of parenting. I was so excited to get to join that group, but I wasn’t there yet, so I shared my love of babywearing and my limited knowledge at that point as best I could with those that were embarking on the journey I longed to begin.

While, I may have had an unusual upbringing in that babywearing was a part of the fabric of family life to me, over the course of 25 years carriers had changed! They had expanded and grown and diversified. When it was finally my turn to try and walk my talk with my own child, I had no idea where to start. The sheer number of websites and styles and advice was overwhelming. In true human fashion, I fell back on what I knew, ring slings. Ring slings were the carriers I most remembered from watching my family wear their children; although they also used frame backpack style when hiking and camping, I was looking for more around the house type of a carrier. Ring slings were also what I remember playing with to carry my dolls and stuffed animals. I can even remember my sister dressing up one year for Halloween as a mom, complete with baby in a sling. I had bought Over the Shoulder Baby Holder slings for my friends over the years, but came across Taylormade Ring Slings during one of my numerous internet explorations. She was also local which was a bonus to me and made it that much more important to try and buy from her business. I think I even went so far as to point out all the local places that you could find things for me, outside of big box stores, on my shower invites. So enters my first carrier, a Taylormade blue stretch cotton ring sling.

Among the many things I was trying to figure out that I needed for my first baby, were cloth diapers. This led me to another local business, Wildflower Diapers. I loved it! I made an appointment for a cloth diaper class for me and my husband, Toby. I was already sold on doing cloth diapers but wanted to get more info for my hubby. The great thing about the class was that there was a store, teeny, a couple of offices really, store that I could go to and touch and try and ask questions about anything they sold and talk to someone, get them to help me learn how to do these things I was so excited to do. I bought my diapers; I came back for more sharing with these wonderful women who were living the dream – cloth diapers, babywearing, some even got to bring their babies with them to work! While there, I saw their carrier options and asked about the employees favorites. So enters Ergo in my knowledge of carriers.

Shortly after my son’s birth, my husband and I decided that I wouldn’t return to the job I had had before, but that I would try and find something that didn’t require me leaving my child in someone else’s care most of the week, maybe even becoming a stay-at-home mom. Opportunity arises when we least expect it sometimes and I thought I would try and join this group of women working at Wildflower Diapers. I could share my love and passion for parenting with those interested in learning more. I joined Wildflower Diapers and my journey into the sea of babywearing knowledge, and lots more, began. I brought my nine week old son, Miles with me to work, wearing him in the ring sling I had. He grew fast and gained weight, just like little babes do. As I wore him and did the normal daily tasks of working in a retail store, his weight started to wear on me. With the long periods of carrying, my shoulders were sore; and I had to switch sides a lot. Another employee and fellow mama and baby combo was Marissa and her son Peyton. They were a joy to watch, especially in learning how to manage working and caring for a child at the same time. Peyton was also no light weight, and I took comfort in their successful babywearing that it could be done and it could be more comfortable than it was. Their carrier of choice? An Ergo.  I wanted it. It seemed like the Mercedes of carriers. A ring sling was great, functional, and useful but was a bit more strain as it was just on one shoulder; while an Ergo had pockets, buckles, padding, and bore the weight on both shoulders and waist! I wanted it, did I mention that? My father-in-law had been happily joining me in my journey down this attachment parenting road over the course of my pregnancy and early parenthood. It was not always familiar territory to him but he reveled in my enthusiasm for it. He saw my desire for an Ergo and made that wish a reality, complete with infant insert. Ergo became my second carrier to own, and by far the one that I have used the most. 

As my baby grew, I learned more about the carrier options and the terminology to babywearing. Then I met one of the most amazing women I know, Susan Chanse. She had three boys and wrapped like I had never seen it done before in person. She made mothering and working look so effortless and easy and worthwhile. It was truly a blessing to get to know her and her family. She provided one of the star parenting mamas on which to help me grow in my own journey. Through her love and dedication to babywearing, its safety, and knowledge of how-tos; I really blossomed into my own knowledge and was able to really assist new parents (new to parenthood or just babywearing) with their own journeys, hopefully sharing the love and excitement babywearing can bring to their lives. I finally felt comfortable with that, usually, most intimidating of carriers – a wrap. I knew that when I had another baby I wanted to try a stretch wrap.

When my son was almost three, Toby and I welcomed our second child, a daughter named Quinn. With her, I used the ring sling I had with Miles for the first couple of weeks. The ease of use to a ring sling is hard to beat. I also learned that babywearing is so much more valuable and important in your life when you have more than one child. Wearing Quinn allowed me to be present and accessible to Miles, our daily routine had little interruption in terms of how much he could have me hold him and play with him as he needed to. I transitioned to a Wrapsody stretch wrap for longer outings within a week or so, and moved to that carrier full time by three weeks old. It was such a blessing to feel her so snug and secure against my chest and to have both arms free and mobile to make lunch or pick up toys. There were also times I wore both Miles and Quinn. I would put Quinn in the wrap on my front and Miles in the Ergo on my back. What a workout! But it let them both know I was there, allowed us to get done what we needed to (like getting food from the grocery store), and gave them both the space to calm down and center if things got crazy.

Following in her brother’s footsteps, she came to work with me at a new store similar to Wildflower Diapers. I wore her in the stretch wrap and many times had customers realize about halfway through their shopping trip that I had a baby wrapped on me. I think that I sold 4 wrapsody stretch wraps that first week alone. The Wrapsody stretch wrap is hands-down my favorite way to wear a newborn. I continued to share the babywearing love through my work at the store and just being there, wearing my little one day after day.

When Quinn was about 18 months old, I took the plunge and chose to be a stay-at-home mom. Shortly thereafter, I found out I was expecting baby #3. But I couldn’t sit back and not be out there sharing my passion for babywearing and the joy it can bring. I had been a part of Babywearing International of Phoenix almost from the beginning so I decided to step up my commitment to them and donate my time and knowledge as a Volunteer Babywearing Educator. My hope is to spread the babywearing love and show parents that this is an amazing tool to have in your parenting arsenal; no matter what other parenting choices you make, babywearing can assist with bonding and development at any stage. I truly couldn’t imagine parenting without babywearing. I hope to be able to wear my grandkids one day, the way my parents do now. That my love of babywearing shines through with everyone I help and they find their own paths down this amazing road, with baby snuggled close.

GUEST POST: Krystyna Bowman shares her babywearing journey!

"This post was written as part of The Breastfeeding Cafe's Blog Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Timbra Wiist landslidephotography {at} hotmail {dot} com. Today's post is about babywearing practices. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed in the comments section at The Carnival runs July 16th through the 31st!" 

I do not know if I was “worn” as a baby.  I have memories of my father carrying my sister in a backpack when we lived in Europe and did a lot of sightseeing.  In fact, there was a time when I convinced my sister she was adopted because there are so few pictures of her.  Since she was comfortable and asleep in the backpack, my parents, like many parents, chose to leave the baby sleeping instead of waking her up for a tourist photo.

I think that it was a gift from my aunt that put the babywearing seed in my mind.  She gave me a hip carrier that would work when a child was able to sit up on its own (usually 6-months old+ to hit this developmental milestone).  After reading the insert, the allure of being able to carry our child hands-free was appealing.

After that, we added a Baby Bjorn to our registry so we could use it before baby was sitting up.  We got one of the ones that are “not recommended” nowadays since they dangle the baby’s legs instead of allowing the baby to assume a seated position.  At the time, the educational diagrams I lined to below were not widespread.  It would be years before we met our chiropractor who advocates for the carriers that allow for the hips-knees to emulate a seated position for the baby.

I also registered for a sling since it looked interesting in the store.  Although it was a plain gray color, the mom and baby looked happy (advertising!)  It was our first baby and what did we know?  Not much as it turns out.  While the big padded shoulder pillow that was attached to the sling seemed like a good idea, it turned out to be a bit awkward to work with.  Since I did not know enough to know that there were different options, I got accustomed to it and learned to make it work.

I found that I loved wearing our baby.  I loved her sweet smell.  I loved how she snuggled into me to sleep.  I loved being able to talk to her and show her what we were looking at.  I definitely think it shaped our breastfeeding relationship.  I knew her and I could read her cues.  A baby dive-bombing for your breast is pretty hard to confuse with a baby who is gnawing on her hand just because she is curious.  Speaking on gnawing the hand, I also learned to tell the difference between “curious” and “I’m getting hungry”.

After I started babywearing, I noticed that there were other moms out there doing the same thing.  I started to have carrier-envy.  Some of them had pretty slings in pretty patterns that looked a lot less cumbersome than mine.  As we had more children, I noticed a greater variety in styles: carriers that looked like the baby was tucked like a kangaroo in a pocket, back carriers, wraps…the variety seemed endless.  I saw other people using Bjorn’s so at least we were not alone in using the wrong carrier for our child.  I thank God that children are resilient – I know our little one does not seem to have suffered permanent damage to her limbs and joints – hopefully the other children are okay, too.

My knowledge in this area grew as our family grew.  With our second child, I ordered two lightweight cotton slings with long tails that had pockets on them for my keys/wallet/whatever little thing I needed to tuck in there.  With our third child I used a rebozo from Peru – my mom brought it back with her from her Peru adventure.  It’s the Spanish word for a wrap-style carrier. I learned how to tie a really tight knot!  Our fourth child wanted me to grow again.  She wanted nothing to do with slings or wraps and by this time we knew better than to put her in the old-style Bjorn. 

My new favorite is our Beco Butterfly that allows me to carry her in the proper seated position.  We have a couple more months in the front-facing position – I just love that snuggle bug.  We do not even use a stroller anymore – it’s just so much easier to strap on the carrier and go about our errands. 

I have learned to nurse a baby that is sitting up in the front carry position.  It was definitely challenging the first few times, but having seen other moms accomplish this feat I knew it was doable.  I practiced at home first, and now that I know baby and I have a system, we can nurse discreetly in public, too.  Sometimes so discreetly that people who pull back the hood to see the baby without asking get to see her nursing J

I am getting braver about trying the back carry.  I miss seeing her face, although she is repeating history…baby seems to fall asleep quickly and for extended periods of time when I carry her on my back!  The back-carrying cultures of the world know this – something about the rolling of the mom’s gait seems to rock children to sleep.  I love seeing the different ways mamas carry their babies on their back while moving through their day.

Do you feel that sharing traditions across cultures unites us?  It’s a yes for me.  Just like I thought about all the women who had gone before me when I was laboring with our children, knowing that we chose to carry our children like other babies are carried in other parts of the world gives me a sense that maybe we are closer to that elusive dream of world peace.  If not world peace, at least we are all agreeing on some basics.

Disclaimer:  The material included on this site is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult her or his healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation.  Krystyna and Bruss Bowman and Bowman House, LLC accept no liability for the content of this site, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided.  This blog contains information about our classes available in Chandler, AZ and Payson, AZ and is not the official website of The Bradley Method®. The views contained on this blog do not necessarily reflect those of The Bradley Method® or the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth®.
Bradley Method® natural childbirth classes offered in Arizona: Chandler, Tempe, Ahwatukee, Gilbert, Mesa, Scottsdale, Payson

The Main Event Vendors!

Here is a list of the fabulous vendors that are participating at our 2nd Annual International Babywearing Week Celebration! 
There will be something for everyone in the family. Make sure you check out all of the tables at the event!

Emily Tossetti, Independent Consultant

Rebecca Carr

Anna Gothier

Geoff Rubin

Dr. Dara Salzano

Amy Holmgren

Marissa Honey-Jones

Shannon Guse

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Raffle Prizes for The Main Event 2012

We have many great raffle prizes donated by our generous vendors and other local businesses and individuals to celebrate International Babywearing Week this year.  Winner will be drawn at 11:45 a.m. at The Main Event at Midwives Rising on October 13th.  

You do not need to be present to win, however you will be responsible for picking up your prizes at a later date.  Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the event.  

Tickets are $1 each or $20 for 25 tickets.  They can be dispersed among the prizes any way you wish. If you would like to participate in the raffle, but are not able to attend The Main Event, please send personal paypal to and specify how many tickets you would like to go to the prizes as numbered below by Friday, October 12th at 6:00 p.m.  We will accept cash or check for raffle tickets on the day of the event.

Here are the raffle prizes (in no particular order): 

#1-One hour massage gift certificates from Don Wong, LMT (3 available)

#2-House cleaning gift certificate from Made 2 Perfection (East Valley)

#3-$100 Bootcamp gift certificate from Balanced Body Bootcamp

#4-Knit ruffled wool capris/headband by Eevaleena (lanolized)

#5-$30 gift certificate to GoGo Natural

#6-Chiropractic Consultation, Exam, and Treatment for a complete family at Optimum Wellness Chiropractic
#7-Food and Household Allergy Testing Consultation with follow-up appointment at Optimum Wellness Chiropractic

#8-Natural Infertility Consultation at Optimum Wellness Chiropractic
 #9-Hand knit wool cow with toddler market bag
#10-Hand knit wool elephant with toddler market bag
#11-Hand knit wool sheep with toddler market bag

#12-Little Beetle Diaper Package-4 Organic Cotton Velour/Hemp prefolds and 1 Wool Longies Size Small

#13-Organic baby blanket, Organic Baby Toy, and "Green" Diaper Bag

#14-Happy Tushies cloth changing pad and Organic Doll/Turtle
#15-Happy Tushies cloth changing pad and Organic Doll/Stripe

#16-Baby play pack 1-Hand knit market bag, infant size doll pouch from Comfy Joe, infant hat from Wrapsody

#17- Baby play pack 2-Hand knit market bag, Organic Doll, Wool BabyLegs

#18- Tibbar's Apple Race from Simply Fun

#19-Whipped Body Butter from Nature to Nurture

#20-Modern Essentials Book and Essential Oil from doTERRA oils

#21-Jewelry by Cristina Wong

#22-Belly Cast Kit

#23-Pregnancy Art Henna Kit (2 available)

#24-Pregnancy Belly Painting Kit (2 available)

#25-Portrait session with Maysa White Photography

#26-2 free training sessions from Fitness Propelled (4 available)

#27-Modest Middles size Small

#28-$20 gift certificate to Modern Mommy Boutique (3 available)

#29-45 minute photo session with ytw photography

#30-2 passes to the Children's Museum of Phoenix

#31-TaylorMade French Twill ring sling in Slate size Medium

 #32-4 passes to SeaLife Aquarium

#33-here on the corner $20 gift card

#34-family 4 pack to Jumpstreet

#35-MADE in Phoenix onesie and $15 gift certificate to MADE Art Boutique

#36-$20 gift certificate to Strawberry Hedgehog

#37-Mama Cloth (2 small and 2 large mama cloth and carrier strap teething pads) from Shannon's Cloth & More

#38-Burt's Bees Mom Gift Pack from Blossom Birth Center

#39-$50 off Placenta Encapsulation from Nikki Ausdemore

#40-Free Placenta Preparation of Your Choosing from 2 Doulas on a Mission

#41-One hour massage gift certificates from Amy Hatch, LMT (2 available)

#42-Thermal Tote in Black Happy Dots with Good Eats in Aqua from 31 gifts
#43-Board book set and bunny puppet from Barefoot Books of Phoenix

#44-Hookin' For Rent newborn wool soaker (lanolized)

#45-Two crocheted adult hats 

#46 - $30 Starbucks Gift Card from Expressions of Life Chiropractic

 #47 - $75 off labor/birth tub from Baby Deliverease

 #48 - Raw Belly Cast Gift Certificate from Rose Day

#49 - $90 Gift Certificate to Page Carpet Cleaning, Inc.

#50 - $25 Gift Certificate to Thread Rockin' Boutique

#51 - Pewter Frame and $25 Gift Card to Holland Boone Home

#52 - 1 hour Reiki Healing Session with Deanna Evans

#53 - 10 visit play pass to Imagination Avenue

#54 - 1 year family (up to 4 people) membership to McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park

#55 - 4 passes to Arizona Museum for Youth in Mesa

#56 - 10 visit play pass to The Play Factory 

#57 - Skateboard Earrings (2 available) by Recycled Skateboards International, Inc 

#58 - Skateboard Belt Buckle and Large Skateboard Ring by Recycled Skateboards International, Inc

#59 - Skateboard Necklace by Recycled Skateboards International, Inc

We will also be giving out door prizes!  Must be present to win!